+268 2505 5516
Learn About Us
What We Do?
1. Develop & Retain leadership skills & talent
2. Develop Targeted Partner Training Programs (TPTPs)
3. Optimise Program / Project Management
4. Secure Critical Skills & Talent
1. Create agile Information & Communication Network
2. Optimise digital footprint and visibility
3. Maximise / Leverage Achievements & Learning
1. Secure organizational viability & competitiveness
2. Develop a robust resource mobilization system
3. Promote environmental sustainability Agenda
4. Manage critical risk
1. Create a clear economic improvement agenda
2. Implement Best Practice & Continuous Improvement
3. Promote development of a vibrant Socio-economic dispensation
1. Develop policies & systems
2. Implement strong financial / Fiscal discipline
3. Promote Democratic Culture & Practice
4. Implement sustainability / critical reporting
FSEJ Impact
The organization has succeeded in building people’s capacities and equipping them with the skills, methods and knowledge needed to take actions and fight for their social, economic and political rights. We have witnessed the Foundations’ partners taking the lead in initiating campaigns; against hunger and poverty, against women abuse, for free primary education, for more state intervention in the welfare of the elderly and against evictions and land grabbing.
The FSEJ has also made a significant contribution to the development and empowerment of women – through its work and programmes it has created and held a space that has enabled women to enter into and play a role in the liberation struggle in Swaziland. The organization has also created space and opportunity for the voices and contributions of women to find their place in the communities by challenging gender stereotypes and patriarchy. There have been more and more reports of women being involved in their community struggles and more voices about gender equity.
The Foundation has managed to assemble a solid foundation of an organized grassroots people’s movement that includes organized membership based peoples associations that are in the forefront of community struggles. These associations are firmly grounded in communities and serve as organs through which people are organized and mobilized for action. The Foundation has further grown to strengthen its relationship with key political formations and the broader civil society fraternity in the country. It is also a critical player in the mass democratic movement.
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